Friday, May 10, 2013

Realism Reloaded

The "accuracy update" has been released for everyone to test out. Please report any problems you might find. Remember that the chance to miss is very low but it does happen. This new feature affects all ground ranged units but it does not affect buildings and ships.

It's still a work in progress until I can add it to every single unit that needs it.


There is something I wanted to do for a while, and I thought I did it for cannons but it proves I was a bit wrong, something that will add lots of realism into the game but might piss off some players.

I can make ranged units meaning cannons, archers, spearmen, riflemen and so forth, to have a small chance to miss their shots, to fire but not hit their target every time. This new feature would balance out with the other lost feature I added a while ago, height damage bonus which gives a very small attack bonus to units which fire from higher ground than their targets. The chance will be very small, as is the height bonus, but they can both decide the outcome of a battle, even in the favor of the weaker army.

Now, this also means a new luck factor is introduced, something that might piss off hardcore fans, but since most people seem to want more realism, I thought this would be an awesome thing to add. This new feature can be added to any unit, even melee, but it makes more sense to add it to ranged units since those are the most used ones and it would make melee units more viable and important. Plus, muskets were really inaccurate...

I will make a survey as always, but it seems the survey/poll feature offered by Blogger is bugged, and it does not properly record votes. So, I beg you to leave your opinion in the comments section of this post.

Thank you, and please help me take a decision!


  1. if excellent, good idea, something that people most like is the realism of the game, especially in this, age of empires.

  2. Agree. A chance to miss is something every game with ranged weapons should have.

  3. good idea.
    what about adding extra research (age specific) to improve guns and accuracy? make them expensive though. not enough research in the arsenal imo.

    1. That would be impossible I think. Modding limits.

    2. thats a shame - so whatever luck factor you assign a unit it will have to remain fixed at that value? can they get more accurate as you upgrade them normally?
      what would you do about archers? i suppose they are less powerful but more accurate?
      lots of possibilities here - different units will have to be better than others i think - i'm assuming you can set a different value per unit type?

    3. Indeed, I can make muskets the most inaccurate, rifles and bows a bit more accurate and so on, but there is no reason to complicate things this much because the chance to miss is extremely small. You can get 1 miss at between 5 and 10 shots.

      Making this smaller or bigger for different units is not something I'm too willing to do because of how time and nerve consuming this is.

  4. fair enough - still a good idea!

  5. Good idea. Makes it more attractive to use the crossbow. You could also think of giving some factions more accuracy than other factions.

    For instance: Russia less accuracy than the Germans. And then giving Russia a better melee. Or is this already added in the game, the melee part?

    1. This is a very narrow and limited feature, it cannon be increased with techs and it cannot be different for each civ.
      You have the same numbers for every civ.

  6. for the buildings would be better if you did not do it
    they are so poorly shot, they have a weak attack

    1. Hm, maybe you are right. The guys who shoot from buildings are standing still and they are not as stressed as the guys on the battlefield.

      Good point Roman.

  7. Mandos, there is a problem with the campaign. I know this is unrelated.
    But during the campaign mission "breakout" in the Vanilla campaign, you play as the Ottomans instead of the Maltans defending the fort.
    I'm not sure whether or not this is an easy fix or not, but as for me I like to revisit the campaign every once in a while.
    If you can do anything about it in an update please let me know!

    1. Goddamn it! Not again... Sorry, will be fixed.

    2. No worries! Everything you do for this mod improves the game drastically with every update!
      Thanks again! :)

    3. every fix means that 5.5 will be that much better. :)

      speaking of which, when you fix recently reported bugs, how long do you wait before declaring a full version ready to go and the upload it?

    4. Your question is confusing. When I say it will be fixed or I will look into it, it means I really am working in that exact moment on it and I will upload the fix as soon as I finish it, meaning maybe in 10 minutes, 30, a hour, it depends.

      As for version 5.5, I still have a lot of things to do on it and you will see that the 5.5 change log will be pretty damn big. :)

    5. I see, because it wasn't too long ago that you said 5.5 was just about ready but I'm guessing a can of worms got opened and you've been working to close it. :P

    6. Yeah I know... XD
      I want to provide the biggest and best update yet.

      Here's a little spoiler, max population has been increased to 300.

    7. if British will be bonus 20 pop, may be imbalance
      it is better to do for all civilizations
      or only for Chinese and Iroquois

    8. Roman, you do not understand anything... Stop spreading false information!

    9. what false information? I would only suggest, how best

    10. You speak of things you do not understand! All civs can get to 300 pop, only that the British and Chinese can get there faster and cheaper.

    11. But what about the Iroquois? are they must be instead of British

    12. in Iroquois must also be a bonus "can get there faster and cheaper"

    13. Why? I think you're talking about the Sioux genius, not Iroquois...
      See, you have no idea what you're talking about. Please stop, I will not change anything.

  8. about realism
    unit will be able to shoot during walk? that is with acceleration
    it is suitable for cavalry


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